Saturday, January 21, 2017



Today is the first time we start taking footage for out course work. Overall, after watching what we've taken we feel like the footage still lack of the sense of thriller, which we might need re-discuss about it and make changes.


We had to decide on what the character will be wearing. Which we decided to find out the oldest, worn out cloth. Then we decided to go with blue, as it seems as a cold colour and that it is not as bright.


There are lost of rubbish and broken glass, nails lying around. Which as the character will be on his bare feet, this might cause injuries such as a cut on the feet. 

Also, the building isn't well constructed, the stairs don't have any fence which someone might fall over when film. However, the stairs are fairly wide so it can prevent by having fewer people together on the stairs.

We're filming at around 3-5pm which can still be fairly hot, to avoid dehydration we brought water and some snacks.


We had a lot of fun filming and exploring different angels and re-taking a certain scene. However, it is really tiring and hot which we had to take a few breaks in between. 

To help with making the character more realistic. We put some coal dust over his body. Which is a lot of fun but it gets pretty messy.

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